If you have prayer requests or a tithe and offering you can put them in the boxes by the sound booth and back doors. You can also give online and send us prayer requests through our website.
Join our email list. Periodically Calvary Sends Out Emails For Informative Purposes. If you are not receiving Calvary emails and would like to, please fill out the Contact Us form on the website to be added.

Church Wide Events & News
Rent the Youth
This is a ministry where you can ask the youth group to come and help clean, do yard work, wash your cars, or whatever else you can think of to help around the house or your business with the goal of raising money for their winter camp.
Please contact Pastor Jacob with questions.
Coming Soon: Walk Through the Bible One-Day Study - With Childcare - February 8, 2025.
Walk Thru the Bible is a 3 hour intensive seminar that "walks through" the entire Old Testament! It engages with many hand movements that get past simply taking notes. If you feel that the Old Testament is outside of your knowledge, this is a great way to learn foundational truths!
Take this link to the sign-up page: www.calvarypueblo.com/walk
When: February 8th, 1-4pm
Where: Calvary Church 5 Tulane St. Pueblo CO 81005
Cost: $20 a person
Who: 1st grade and up! (the kinesthetic learning is great for kids)
Bonus: Spaghetti Lunch beforehand (12:00-12:45pm) to help the Youth Ministry winter camp fundraiser
Inclement Weather
It is that time of year again when the weather on a Sunday morning or for a bible study can be challenging. If driving is difficult for you in bad weather, please stay home.
If we ever cancel services it will be posted on Facebook and through an email to those on our list. To be part of the email list please fill out the quick form www.calvarypueblo.com/contact
Adult Bible Studies
Our adult studies and ministries lead all generations to be grounded in the truth of God’s Word to build up our faith, families, church, and community.
The Conquering Series - A Men's Group for Freedom from all Sexual Addictions
You are not alone. Meeting every Monday online. If you are interested or have any questions please reach out to Jeff Frey.
Phone: (719) 310-1677
Email: [email protected]
Bible Study Fellowship - A Ladies Bible Study
A class for women of all ages going through the book of Revelation. Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM. The class meets in room 11 in the gym. This class is led by Marilyn Tabor and starts September 11th.
A Ladies Bible Study
"The Book of 1 Samuel" Women's Study
Wednesday mornings 9:30 to 11 AM in room 11 of the gym. [email protected]
James - A Bible Study - All Teens and Adults
A bible study for any teen through adult going verse by verse through the book of James. It is led by Steve Mayo and meets on Thursday nights from 6 PM to 7 PM starting October 3rd.
Sunday Morning - Adult Bible Study
Meets weekly at 9 AM to 10 AM in the gym kitchen, led by Edler Ron Darbey. This is a verse-by-verse study through a book of the bible.
Sunday Morning - Adult Ladies Bible Study - Jude
Meets weekly at 9 AM to 10 AM in the gym, room 11. This class is led by Glenna Walker and is going through the book of Jude. This class starts September 15th.
Ephesians Men's Study with Pastor Tim
We go through the book of Ephesians verse by verse. Wednesdays from 6-7 PM meeting in the church building.
Thursday Morning Coffee Men's Group 7AM to 8AM
Reach out to Pastor Tim and he will give you the details of this time of fellowship.

Youth and Young Adults - Contact Pastor Jacob